A small group of enthusiastic local Greens supporters and community members gathered at Braidwood to view the documentary and participate in a panel discussion with GIS representatives Leigh Mason and Kate Roberts, NSW Greens MLC, Justin fields and local psychologist Barbara Bicego.
Fantastic and highly poignant discussion ensued on the need for government to introduce public health centred policies on Gambling Harm minimisation and reforms to gambling policy. Discussion also centred on the individual impact of poker machine gambling and that of the effects imposed on families and acquaintances.
Mr Fields discussed the recently released data obtained from the NSW Department of Justice showing the turnover from poker machine gambling by local government area.
The night was highly engaging and it was a pleasure to meet such a passionate group of people.
Braidwood township was a stopping point during the Clubs NSW’s 2011 ‘licence to punt’ Campaign when the then Labor Federal government was deliberating on introducing much needed poker machine reforms, as recommended by the 2010 productivity commission into gambling.
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